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Christ Community Church is a ten year old, non-denominational church in Little Rock Arkansas. Christ Community recently cast a new vision for their nearly 1000 members.

  We are a community transformed by grace,                sent to transform the world for the glory of God.

This vision statement is supported by four core values that further clarify Christ Community's DNA.

  Biblical, Relational, Missional, and Simple

John is working with Christ Community Church to fully align every aspect and ministry of the church with their new vision.  John spends time with Lead Pastor Michael Loudermilk and the staff designing and implementing strategies and building a great culture.



River Ridge is a six year old non-denominational Bible teaching church with an average weekly attendance of 300 people.  They have a very clear vision of making multiplying disciples and planting multiplying churches. Their mission is to glorify God and advance His Kingdom by loving others to Christ.   Their culture and strategic imperatives are centered around four key objectives:

1. to be a church that welcomes everyone

2. to help people take the next step in their relationship with God

3. to touch our communities in tangible ways with the love of Christ

4. to plant new churches.


John has focused his time with River Ridge on helping them merge with another small church in their community and truly becoming better together. John worked with the River Ridge team to renovate their new church building and reopen following Covid19. River Ridge, with John's guidance, just launched their second campus and are working to build a healthy culture as a multiplying church.

10:10 LIFE


10:10 Life is a very unique ministry that looks for highly relational ways to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people hurting and far from God.  At the core of 10:10 Life is 1Thessalonians 2:8 where Paul writes "We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God's Good News, but our own lives too."

10:10 Life's toolbox currently consists of ReUnite Marriage Events, one-on-one discipleship, specialized mentoring for couples, and a variety of bible studies.  Being near Fort Hood, they partner with local pastors and Army chaplains to assist the soldiers with vital marriage and family needs before, during, and after military deployments.

They are partnering with Wayfinder to strengthen their communications across all channels and to brainstorm and put action to where God is leading them next.

Over the past two years, John has worked with Adam to write an autobiography that powerfully highlights the protection, redemption, grace, and provision in his life and marriage.

The book is titled "Write it Down" 



The Connection Church is a growing congregation just outside Denver Colorado.  John has begun working with Pastor Larry Thomas to focus on a couple of key areas of the church that are needed for healthy growth.

John and Pastor Larry are looking at elder training to set the course for strong leadership into the future.  They are also preparing to launch the church's first small groups.



Indian Hill Bible Church is a mature church with a rich history, but found themselves struggling to grow and attract a younger generation of Christ followers.  John began a working relationship with Senior Pastor John Rosol and the board of elders, which began by rethinking their Mission Statement to better communicate their current season of ministry. John has now been asked to guide them in sparking new growth and new outreach into their community.


John is leading the IHBC Elders in a comprehensive strategic planning process. They are working to identify real strengths and weaknesses, as they build a short and long range plan to grow the church. 



John has had a long and close relationship with Pastor Vernon Bryant.  As Pastor Vernon has just recently accepted the role of Senior Pastor at New Life, John is working alongside him to evaluate the first steps at leading New Life into the future.They are setting goals for this engagement and developing a plan for the first steps in reaching these goals.

John was just asked to guide a process for developing a new website and the tools needed to move forward and grow in the years ahead.

Meridian Church of God


John has great working relationship with Pastor Daniel Miller.  John and Pastor Daniel have spent many months thinking through the vision, passion, and structure of the church, in preparation for its future growth.

John is currently working with Pastor Daniel to evaluate their campus and possible changes to meet their current and future ministry needs.

Pastor Daniel has also asked John to evaluate his leadership/pastoral style and coach him in leading his team into the next season of the church.



The WorkMatters mission is to partner with church, business, and educational leaders to help Christians discover the sacredness of their work through content, convening, and collaboration.

The WorkMatters team just completed the development of the 'WorkMatters Institute' in a ten-session digital format.

Brandon Swaboda, CEO, has asked John to guide their team in building a three-year plan that includes: Core Objectives, Goals, Strategic Planning, Pricing, and Budgeting.

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